Students and interns are an important part of Familia’s everyday operations. For a number of years already, the association has collaborated with different educational institutes, such as the universities of applied sciences in the Helsinki region, the University of Helsinki and different organisations offering integration training. On an annual basis, approximately 10–15 students carry out training periods or internships at Familia as part of their studies. Familia also offers possibilities for student groups to get familiar with our services. Our possibilities to host groups are limited so please inform us well in advance about your visit by sending us email to: info(at)familiary.fi or call us 044 773 8628.
The students also generate important information by doing their final projects or writing their theses for Familia. Each year, around 2–3 final projects or theses are completed on a range of interesting topics. The students have studied issues related to integration or intercultural themes, or they have completed a practice-based final project, either as a part of their internship or separately.
The students also generate important information by doing their final projects or writing their theses for Familia. Each year, around 2–3 final projects or theses are completed on a range of interesting topics. The students have studied issues related to integration or intercultural themes, or they have completed a practice-based final project, either as a part of their internship or separately.
Who can do an interNship at Familia? |
What language skills are required from students?
We primarily offer the opportunity for internships to students from different educational institutes (such as the universities of applied sciences and academic universities). Additionally, we reserve a few places for language trainees as part of integration training and those taking part in work trials assigned by a local TE office.
Interns are usually social service and community education students from the universities of applied sciences or students from a number of different fields taught at the academic universities. It is also possible to adapt an internship to the needs of, for example, communications or cultural production students. |
Finnish language is the primary language of use at Familia. We primarily accept, as interns, students who speak Finnish as their native language or are otherwise fluent in the language. The reason for this is that we want to offer our members who have moved here from abroad the opportunity to use Finnish and receive assistance with their Finnish language studies. The language requirements are considered individually for each case.
We do require, however, that language trainees and those working here on a work trial have a decent command of the basics of the Finnish language. Familia considers any language skills beyond Finnish to be a positive asset. |
What can interns do at Familia?
Why should I intern at Familia?
Familia’s interns serve as an integral part of the work community. Interns work independently and responsibly on their separately assigned areas of responsibility. They plan and implement different types of activities on their own, in pairs or as a part of a larger team, in co-operation with other interns and employees.
The internship is unique for each student, depending on their studies, strengths and areas of interest. Certain important tasks, however, are shared by all interns. These tasks include advising members and customers, guidance and assistance on different issues and problems, and participation in the daily routines of the association. |
As an intern host, Familia provides an excellent environment for learning about intercultural activities within a genuinely diverse community. During the internship, students gain experience, for example, in group leadership, social interactions with all types of people, service guidance and the application of practice-based training to actual work situations.
As part of integration training, language trainees will have the opportunity to practice using their Finnish language skills with people at all different language levels. |
Who can do their thesis or final project for Familia?Any student who is interested in issues related to, for example, integration or intercultural families can do a final project or write a thesis for Familia.
Would you like to do your thesis or final project for Familia?
Complete the online application and we will contact you.
How should I choose my topic?We have compiled a list of theses or final projects that have been completed over the years on issues concerning Familia's activities. Reading about these may help you to define your own topic. Check out the published theses and projects (PDF).
We have also compiled a list of topics on which we would like theses or final projects to be done. Most of these topics reflect different viewpoints of intercultural themes. Any of these topics can be adapted to suit the student’s own area of interest. Check out our list of thesis and final project ideas (PDF) We are also always looking for new ideas! |