Partner's Path offered support for employment, integration, and well-being for intercultural couples and families between 2017 and 2020. On these pages you will find our Path Ambassadors sharing their paths, tips and ideas for employment, integrations, and well-being for intercultural couples, and information on the activities and results of the project. These pages are for you whether you are in an intercultural relationship yourself, or whether you encounter intercultural couples in your work.
path ambassadorsIntercultural couples living in Finland are different from one another in terms of their backgrounds as well as their experiences. In this section we've gathered the experiences of different intercultural couples living in Finland, and how they, our Path Ambassadors view their employment, integration, and well-being in Finland. Our Path Ambassadors share their tips, and hope they are useful for you and your partner, too!
cHALLENGES & SOLUTIONSIn this section you will find tips and ideas gathered by our employees from the duration of the project. Situations and people differ, so please concentrate on those challenges, solutions, and themes which are relevant to you and your intercultural relationship.
information & resultsA big part our activities would not have been possible without the input of our volunteers, so a big thank you to them. In this section you will find more information on our activities and the results we've achieved. Some activities continue at Familia, and for more information, check the NEWS section of our website or contact us at [email protected].
EMPLOYMENT, integration, and well-being
The Partner's Path - Peer Support for the Immigrant Partners of Intercultural Families on the Path to Employment project was a project funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA, former RAY). The main objective of the project was to improve the employability, integration and well-being of immigrants who have moved to Finland as partners or spouses through peer support.
The project organised activities both for the foreign and Finnish partner in an intercultural relationship, separately and together as a couple. The Finnish partner plays an important part in the employment and integration of the foreign partner, and the project organised peer support for the couple, as well as for both partner's individually. The peer support groups were targeted mainly towards intercultural couples or families in which the immigrant partner had already lived in Finland for 1-3 years, and had at least a basic understanding of the Finnish language. However, most activities were open to other intercultural couples as well, and the project was able to reach intercultural couples in different situations.
As well as organising activities and peer support, the project gathered information on the circumstances and needs of intercultural couples and families on employment, integration, and well-being. You can ask for more information from us at Familia. Familia is the leading expert in intercultural relationships in Finland.
As well as organising activities and peer support, the project gathered information on the circumstances and needs of intercultural couples and families on employment, integration, and well-being. You can ask for more information from us at Familia. Familia is the leading expert in intercultural relationships in Finland.